Board of Directors

We are governed by a dedicated Board of Directors. These amazing individuals are responsible for overseeing our organization and making sure we stay on track to provide the best housing options as much as possible.

Meet our wonderful team of people who help guide the Central Alberta Housing Corporation.

John McLellan_cahc_directors.png

John McLellan

Jonas Neidert_cahc_directors

Jonas Neidert

don wielinga_cahc_directors

Don Wielinga

Pat Couture_cahc_directors

Pat Couture

Jim horne_cahc_directors.png

Jim Horne

The Board’s Role in Supporting Safe and Affordable Housing

Key Responsibilities of Our Board

Ensuring that we efficiently operate and administer the housing accommodation under their authority and provide housing support to those who need it most,
Developing and evaluating the policies and programs of our organization, and Carrying out the powers, duties, and functions expressly given to it under the Alberta Housing Act.

Board members serve for four years and can hold two consecutive terms. The appointing committee includes the MLAs for Red Deer North and Red Deer South, along with the Mayor of Red Deer.

How Our Board Members Are Selected

CAHC Board comprised of a maximum of nine (9) members as follows,

 (a) One (1) member of the board appointed by the City of Red Deer from its municipal council or from citizens-at-large;

 (b) Eight (8) members of the board shall be appointed by the CAHC board from citizens-at-large, with at least one (1) of these members representing the client group, and at least one (1) member representing the Indigenous peoples.

This committed board helps us stay connected to the needs of our community
and make informed decisions that benefit everyone.